It’s challenging building characters for a novel, who are three dimensional, have realistic motivations and most importantly someone your readers will care about.
In the Age of Dionysus, I introduce the character Simone Smith.
Simone Smith stepped out of the taxi. The bright blue sign of Kilman’s restaurant hadn’t changed though they had altered much of the original brick facade to give it a more trendy look. After paying the driver, she walked over to the entrance. She could see her reflection in the glass, a slender brunette, her hair styled in a short bob. Dressed in a light blue jacket and matching pencil skirt, she looked the picture of health, though at one time it had been very different.
At once she saw Cleo Gallagher inside the door waving at her and smiled back. She hadn’t seen her wonderfully wacky New Age friend for nearly three years but the light brown bouffant hairdo was unmistakable. Her loud taste in clothing hadn’t changed either. She wore a retro look polka dot dress with chunky jewelry dangling around her neck and wrists. She quickly slide her heavily ringed hand around Simone’s arm.
“I’m so glad you were able to come. I managed to get a table reserved for us. I don’t know about you but I’m starving!”
Escorted by a waiter, they sat down at a place near the window. Simone was pleased to see the low key atmosphere hadn’t changed. No blaring televisions, only the sound of classical music quietly playing in the background. It was a light crowd with just a few children. Bright yellow gingham tablecloths added a cheerful look. As Simone took the menu the waiter handed her, she glanced up and saw Cleo smiling at her.
“Oh, my dear. You look absolutely wonderful. So what does this make? Two or three years cancer free?”
“Nearly three years now.” replied Simone. “The last tests came back negative and the oncologist said she couldn’t be more pleased. And so am I.”
“All the better reason to celebrate.” declared Cleo, picking up her own menu. “Are you still working for that idiot Peter Mitchell?”
“Well, yes. He’s still CEO at the consulting firm. And he’s really not that much of an idiot. A jerk, yes; but not an idiot.”
“I heard he just divorced that trophy wife of his, whats her name? Charlotte?”
“Yes and apparently he’s taken up with someone else, but I don’t know who. The rumor mill says it’s a friend of Charlotte’s but I can’t believe he’d be that dumb. Anyone who’s a witch like Charlotte would have friends just as bad as her. How can anyone as smart as him have such awful taste in women?”
“Oh, my dear Simone.” Laughed Cleo. “You wouldn’t believe how dumb some of the smartest men in the world are, especially when it comes to relationships. It’s a pretty safe bet he isn’t looking for a sterling character anyway, just someone who looks great hanging onto his arm.”
Simone rolled her eyes in agreement. The waiter returned for their orders. After he took their menus and went off with their requests, Cleo leaned towards Simone.
“I hate to ask this, but have you heard from Michael at all?”
“No.” Simone’s face tightened. “I haven’t heard from him in a few years and I don’t care if I never do again.”
“Oh, Lordy, I’m so sorry. I wish I hadn’t mentioned it.” Cleo’s face was stricken. “I was really hoping you two would eventually get back together but I guess my tarot cards were right.”
“No, that’s all right. The question would have come up eventually anyway. But it does still hurt. I guess I knew what was coming when he wouldn’t drive me to any of my appointments. Once I had the surgery, he was gone. Afraid of catching my cancer cooties, I guess.” Try as she might, she couldn’t keep the bitter note out of her voice. “My boss turned out to be the one who helped me through the whole process. I’m glad he did but it shouldn’t have fallen on him to have to do all that.”
“You’re still young, my dear. There’ll be other men. Have you started trying to date at all?”
“Well, I have gone out with Eric Stanford a few times.” A smile flickered across her face. “He knows about the cancer surgery and he does seem to like me a lot.”
“Eric…oh yes, I remember him. He’s a sergeant in the Army…”
“Colonel now.” laughed Simone. “He’s been moving up in the ranks pretty quickly.”
“Well, now, that sounds promising.”
“It does, but I can’t make up my mind about getting more serious with him. He’s been on three tours of duty already. I’d never know when he would get yanked out of my life by the Army and blown up by a roadside bomb in some God forsaken part of the world.”
“Honey, life is full of risks. You of all people should know that. But Eric sounds like a good bet to me. I know you don’t put much stock in my card reading but I could do one for you, or maybe a geomantic or horary chart.”
“No thanks. When I finally make up my mind, I don’t think the cards will have any affect on that. But what about you? Are you still going to set up shop in Queens?”
“Funny you should ask that.” Cleo’s face clouded with uncertainty. “I’ve been getting some funky readings both with the cards and my charts. They’re all saying its a bad idea at this time but I can’t figure out what the reasons are for it. I’m seeing some stuff I never saw before, like something big is coming, something really chaotic. I won’t bore you with the details but I’m going to have to talk to Mrs Tremblay. At 95 she’s seen just about everything. Maybe she can make some sense out of it.”
“Maybe something to do with those power black outs around the country? Right now they’re saying computer virus, but others are saying no.”
The waiter returned with their food and conversation slowed as they both began eating. Simone relished the baked potato, indulging herself with a dollop of sour cream. It was so nice to be able to enjoy food again without worrying about the nausea of chemo.
“I’ve been looking at the Tarot cards.” said Cleo between mouthfuls. “They say a great power is behind all this.”
“What do you mean? You mean like Russia or China? But I hear they’re having trouble too.”
“Not them. Someone or something else. The readings are funky just like when I ask if I should set up business in Queens. Nuts! I wish I could make more sense about this. But something strange is going on, that’s for sure.”
“Hmmph! Watch it turn out to be some dingy juvenile doing all that just because he can.”
Cleo laughed.
“It may just turn out to be that. I hope so. My readings are starting to scare me a little.”
“Let’s focus on our food.” replied Simone. “I rather enjoy the taste of my food rather than worry about something that may or may not happen.”
While the above passage doesn’t tell us about Simone’s childhood or family, we know she has been ill with cancer and is in remission. She is optimistic but still harbors bitter feelings towards an ex-boyfriend who deserted her during her illness. Her choice of friends is eclectic as she is shown renewing an old friendship with an eccentric New Age type of character. Simone herself has a practical outlook and prefers enjoying the little things rather than engage in wild speculations about current events (which are wilder than she realizes).
One thing we see is that while she is dating again, she is reluctant about committing. After having been burnt by a faithless boyfriend and blindsided by cancer, she is understandably hesitant about resuming her life, perhaps wondering if the rug is going to get snatched out from under her again.
As the novel unfolds, I will add more detail to her life and attitudes, and develop her as a sympathetic person a reader can identify with and root for. One major event in her life not mentioned here but will be later on is a tragic event early in her life where a deranged relative murdered her parents. This traumatic incident will also color her attitudes as the story progresses.
Next month, I will introduce another character who’s quite a bit different from Simone.