The Deeds of Gods – Part 2

A few weeks ago I posted a fragment of the novel I’m working on. We saw some of the gods both opposed and in favor of the god Dionysus and His actions. Here is part two.

…..Launching Himself into the air, Coyote streaked towards the south. Once He was gone, Manannan shifted Himself to the Otherworld and entered the quiet park where Athena was busy working over Her loom.

“Coyote saw Takannaaluk give Dionysus two pieces of Ares’ Armor, the greaves.”

“I suspected as much. The yarn just took on a darker color while I was weaving.” Athena paused in Her work and scowled at the Tapestry. “I’ll have to adjust my strategy a little.”

“Takannaakuk isn’t the only one who’s sympathetic to Dionysus. I’ve spoken with a few minor divinities Who hope for a chance to ride on His coattails, as humans say.”

“And I’ve spoken to some who either prefer remaining neutral, waiting to see which way the wind blows or refraining because They have no ability to fight.” replied Athena. Manannan watched as She plucked out a few threads and adjusted a few more. She then sat back and surveyed the results. The son of Lir thought the pattern looked good but given the complexity of what Athena was weaving, He knew that might be deceptive. The sound of two ravens croaking outside the pavilion drew Their attention. A figure in a ragged cloak and drooping hat approached, His shoulders sporting two sleek ravens.

“I for one will no longer remain neutral.” Said Odin, stepping into the pavilion. “Indeed, I regret now not adding My voice to Yours when You tried to dissuade Him.”

“What made you change your mind?” asked Athena.

“I finally cast the Runes to see what your brother’s rise might portend. What I saw wasn’t good. It makes me wish I had Transcended with the others. Ragnarok was a myth created by humans but if your brother continues to rise unopposed, it will likely become reality.”

“Enough have told me They loathe my brother and intend to fight Him that I fear you are right, All-Father. Right now They are too busy arguing among Themselves as to who should lead the battle. While They squabble, my brother grows stronger. It will make the battle that much harder for Them.”

“Some of Them approached me asking if I would conduct the Wild Hunt against your brother. I refused Them of course. The Wild Hunt is not meant for warfare but is only done out of the most dire necessity, when negative energies have built up to a catastrophic level and need to be safely discharged. It hasn’t reached that point – yet.” Odin’s single eye flared in anger. “Any one of Them could have struck down Dionysus when they had the chance but didn’t bother because They held Him in so much contempt. Now They realize Their mistake and are scrambling to make battle plans.”

“Dionysus knows this, which is why He searches for the Armor. He has no fighting ability but the Armor would make him nearly indestructible. If only Ares had come willingly instead of being dragged kicking and screaming by my Father into the Otherworld, I would have been able to get the Armor in my possession. Then it would have been a simple matter to give It to Pele or Sethlans to melt down once and for all. There’s no other Armor which comes close to what Hephaestus forged. Only Sethlans approaches Him in ability and He has already indicated He stands against Dionysus.”

“Hmph! I can’t picture Ares willingly Transcending.” said Manannan. “He might have given you an argument on what to do with that Armor. What finally did happen to Him?”

“Ares refused to Transcend and attacked Zeus in an effort to break His power so He could return to the ordinary world. Our Father slew Him with Artemis’s Bow and Arrow.” replied Athena, heavily. “Dionysus saw all this and never forgot it. That’s why He searches for the Armor. He fully expects me to make a strike against Him as Father did against Ares.”

Odin’s ravens suddenly began croaking loudly and Athena’s owl bristled its feathers as it spread its beak in a fierce hiss. The three gods turned to look at what approached.

At first all that could be seen was a black shadow moving along the cobblestone path. But as it drew near, the gentle light given off by the the pavilion began to illuminate it. Mannanan sensed Odin shudder and heard Him mutter in a low voice.

“…And I thought Hela was ugly….”

She Who walked the path was evidently sharp eared enough to hear Him, for a dry rattling laugh floated towards them.

“Yes, I am no beauty, All-Father. Death is often ugly especially to those never touched by it.”

She was hideous. Dressed in a blood red robe thrown back revealing Her skeletal body, She clutched a scythe in one bony hand and a sack brightly decorated with colorful skull patterns in the other. She did have some flesh, tendons and ligaments holding Her form together. Two shriveled breasts dangled from Her near fleshless chest. Scarlet orbs burned in the depths of Her eye sockets.

“Mictecacihuatl?” Even Athena seemed uncertain about the identity of their visitor now standing at the foot of the pavilion.

“Santa Muerta, they call Me now.”

“One of the Aztec gods?” Said Manannan. “I thought you all perished in the Catastrophe.”

“Not all. Most of My brethren lost coherence when Their followers died from disease and genocide but a few of Us managed to cling to existence when populations stabilized. It was a good though bitter lesson for Us, not to base all Our power on the sacrifices the mortals used to make to us. Now my power begins to grow once more.” Her dry chuckle sounded again. “Death is a constant after all. And the devotion of My new followers has become important to Me. However your half-brother threatens that. He brings the danger of chaos which could wipe out what gains I have managed to make. You should have killed and flayed Him when you had the opportunity, Athena.”

“That…is not My way.” replied Athena, a wry twist momentarily appearing on Her mouth. “I prefer strategy to brute force.”

“As You will.” replied Santa Muerta with a shrug. “However I have brought something which might help out Your strategy.”

So saying, She opened the sack She held and dumped out its contents. Two golden gauntlets fell to the ground. Mannanan stepped forward and took them up, bringing them to Athena.

“I thank you.” Said Athena gravely. “May I ask how you managed to come by them?”

“They were found by some tomb robbers who attempted to melt them down for the gold. When the gauntlets failed to melt, they became frightened and brought them to a follower of mine, an up and coming drug lord. He fancies himself the next Pablo Escobar and dabbles in the occult. He saw at once their otherworldly nature and presented them as a gift to Me after summoning Me in a ritual. The offering pleased Me, so needless to say, his affairs will be prospering in the future.”

Manannan wondered what kind of ritual would draw such a one as Santa Muerta, but decided it was better not to ask. As one who slipped regularly between the Otherworld and the ordinary realms, He often helped guide the confused spirits of those who had just died on their transition into the Afterlife, seeing His efforts as a benefit to humans. But He never ruled over any of the realms of the Dead such as Arawn, Hela and their visitor did. While many of these realms were pleasant and comforting to those who had passed, some were dark and fearsome, reflecting the nature of the souls who had fallen into them. Given the frightful appearance of Santa Muerta, She likely ruled one of these latter realms.

“So far only the outer parts of Ares’s Armor have been found.” Said Odin. “It’s the Helm and Cuirass, the main parts of the Armor that concern Me. Have no sign of them been seen?”

“Not by I.” replied Santa Muerta. “But a soul I recently collected had a memory of seeing golden armor such as you mention when he was in the Middle East. Whether it belonged to Ares or was simply mortal armor was impossible to determine. Regrettably he could not recall where exactly he had seen it. The trauma of his death was too great to retain the memory.”

“Athena, there’s so much violence and turmoil in that place, so much so that it makes Me wonder.” said Manannan. “Would the Armor cause any of that?”

“No. Human warfare is self-generated. What’s happening there is the result of ordinary human meddling. The Armor would not affect that. Its energies are passive in nature. So unfortunately We can’t use it as a barometer for locating the remaining fragments.”

“I will question some of the other souls who have arrived in My realm.” Said Santa Muerta. “Because many who come to Me have died by violence, their memories are often fragmented. But a few do arrive intact so I will see if any who visited that region have any memories which might help You.”

Santa Muerta turned and left the same way She came. Athena’s owl finally smoothed its feathers and Odins’ ravens who had quietly grumbled the whole time She was present, fell silent.

“An unorthodox ally.” remarked Manannan.

“She helps us for Her own reasons.” answered Athena. “In Her own grim way, She promotes harmony as She knows it in the realm that is Her proper domain. She shepherds the souls who enter her realm rather than torment or devour them as demons would. She doesn’t try to remake worlds to suit Her taste.”

“But She might try to extend Her rule to other Underworlds.” said Odin. “More than a few are empty of any ruler. I know Hades has Transcended and so have a few Others. If no one assumes command of these places other than a few pitiful demons trying to raise Themselves up, She will likely expel Them and take on rulership Herself. She bears watching, I think.”

“Perhaps.” replied Athena. “But that’s a concern for the future. My brother is the great worry now.”

“True enough.” replied Odin, straightening. He lifted the two ravens off His shoulders and sent them flying in opposite directions. “I will return to Asgard and watch for further developments. Some of the Others may see an opportunity for advancing Their own agendas so We will need to beware of that. I don’t know about You but I don’t really want any more surprises.” So saying He exited the pavilion and vanished.

“I’ll go to New York City and do a little spying for You.” Said Manannan. “That seems to be where Dionysus is centering His activities.”

“I agree.” nodded Athena. Then Her lips curved in amusement. “By the way, did You make good use of those porcupine quills I gave You?”

“I did, Great Avatar of Wisdom.” Grinned Manannan happily. “I most certainly did.”

The God Manannan

The above text is not carved in stone by any means and I may rewrite parts of it. The process of writing is for the most part inspiration rather than anything planned. As new ideas bubble up, the preceding words will be edited or deleted. Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m going to write until I actually sit down and start typing. Stay tuned.

The Deeds of Gods – Part one

Divinities both great and small populate the pages of the novel I am working on. They are not portrayed as all powerful but they are definitely Beings to be reckoned with. Dionysus drives the action of the story which shows the effects of what He does both on mortals and on other gods. His goal is to usher out the Age of Iron and bring in the new Age of Gold, completing a primeval cycle and starting a new one. His ambition is to be head of the Gods of that new age just as His father Zeus commanded the ages previous to that. As you might imagine, some of the current gods take exception to this but others welcome His actions. Below is some sample text. I’ll post the second half in a few weeks.

The god Dionysus

Dionysus stood on a stony shore of Baffin Bay waiting. It was a bleak isolated spot, unspoiled by human habitation. Grey hills sprinkled with snow loomed around Him. While the air was chilly, the ice that normally filled the bay was gone, sea birds skimming the waters. Low hanging dark clouds spitting sleet and fat raindrops came and went. A pale gray arctic fox paused and stared at Him, then seemed to shrug its furry shoulders and went along its business. The carcass of a polar bear lay yards away from Him, a flock of skuas, ravens and other scavengers feeding on it. A few seals popped up in the waters and dove back under, their faces momentarily having a human look. But the face He was watching for was neither a seal’s nor human.

He saw Her finally, surfacing and swimming in His direction. She slowly heaved Her massive body up onto the stony beach, a sack clutched in Her teeth. Black wet braids trailed along the ground. Her face had sacred markings tattooed on her dark skin . Short stubby fingers on Her front flippers gripped at the stones as She pulled Herself close to Dionysus and dropped the sack before Him.

“I only found the greaves.” Spoke Takannaaluk in a thick echoing voice. “I had the fish search for other parts but if there are other surviving pieces of Your Brother’s armor, they have not fallen into My domain.”

“This is actually more than I hoped for. Ares journeyed through all the mortal realms, avoiding our Father who insisted it was time to fully transition to the Otherworld. I’m not sure why He broke the Armor up and scattered it, unless it was to spite Zeus.”

“You best hope He didn’t drop any in Pele’s domain. She would have made short work of them in Her fire-pits.”

“If She finds them, She certainly will. But breaking the Armor up as He did makes it impossible to detect the pieces unless you are right on top of them.”

“True enough.” replied Takannaaluk. “I only chanced on the greaves after I had sunk a fishing trawler for violating sacred waters. Their nets had accidentally snagged them from the sea bed.”

“I thank you for contacting me.” said Dionysus, removing the greaves from the coarse woven sack. They gleamed a brilliant gold but the metal was Otherworldly in Its hardness. Hephaestus never did second rate work if He could help it. “What reward do you wish for your assistance?”

“Only that you put an end to the vile creations of humans that devastate My ocean. Their disgusting plastics, the nets which will not break down catching the innocent in their mindless grip. The huge boats with their stinking oils, poisonous radiation and endless streams of waste of every sort. I will be many centuries cleaning up after them.” Her voice grew mournful. “The many animals whose like will not be seen again; the Sea Cows, the Great Auks, the mighty whales who dwindle every year. Fah! If all the humans died, I would gladly celebrate their extinction. But you’ll want worshipers, I suppose.”

“Most gods do. But the number of humans will be greatly reduced. And I will teach them to honor our Mother Earth. You’ll be glad to hear I’ve already decontaminated many radioactive sites including a few underwater. It will take some time to eliminate them all but Gaia will be cleaner for it.”

“That sounds like a good start. Manannan mac Lir showed up recently at the borders of my domain warning me of the hazards of aiding you. I thought He had His nerve, telling me what I should or shouldn’t do. He’s not the god His father was, but Lir moved into the Otherworld long ago. Now there was a sea god! His son can’t hold a candle to Him. I threatened to eat Him if He kept bothering me. So He left.” Takannaaluk smiled grimly, Her razor sharp teeth gleaming. “If He thinks the humans are so wonderful, let Him be the one to clean up their messes.”

“There are many Who cling to the old order of things, my Sister among them. But times have changed. It’s clear the Age of Iron has reached its end point. If the Golden Age is to have a clean start, it’s necessary to wipe out the artifacts of the Iron Age. But I expect a good deal of resistance to that and not just from the Lesser Ones. Humans will fight tooth and nail to keep things the way they are, even if it does reduce Mother Earth to a waste land. They will certainly pray to their gods for assistance.”

“I wish them good luck with that!” snorted Takannaaluk. “Many of Them have either gone to the Otherworld or stopped listening to Their followers because the humans think they themselves own the world and can do whatever they want. If they pray at all, it’s only when it’s an emergency and they want something. They’ve forgotten that it’s a partnership, that they must give if they wish to receive. Teach them that if you teach them anything.”

“I will.” replied Dionysus, placing the greaves back in the pouch and slinging it over His shoulder. “Keep your ears open and let me know if you hear rumors of where the other Armor parts may be.”

“I shall.” said Takannaaluk. She heaved Her bulk around and crawled back into the ocean. Dionysus Himself vanished in a spray of golden light.

A raven, swallowing gobbets of meat from the dead polar bear, watched with a beady eye until He was sure the two gods had disappeared. Then leaving the carcass to the other scavengers, He flew into the air and headed towards Ireland with a speed far greater than any ordinary bird could achieve.

On the northwest coast of Ireland, Manannan sat on the grassy hillside above the Arranmore Lighthouse, whittling a large chunk of driftwood, the sound of crashing surf off in the distance. His reddish brown beard and mustache were neat in appearance. His dark hair, held in place with a headband, flowed over his shoulders. He wore a homespun shirt delicately embroidered with interlaced birds, their legs and wings woven in a complex design, His dark rugged breeches also homespun. The sea breeze teased a few stray locks of His beard. Hearing the sea gulls squawk in alarm, He glanced up. He watched as a raven dove out of the heavens at break neck speed. Just as it seemed the bird would shatter itself on the hardscrabble shore, it came up short, changed into a coyote and approached Manannan.

“Hail Brother.” It cried. “Greetings, He-Who-Wears-The-Drab-Coat.”

“Well, now.” laughed Manannan. “It’s been a while since anyone has called me that! So, Brother Coyote. What news do you bring?”

“Nothing good, I fear.” As He spoke, Coyote took on the form of a human with dusky skin, His face generously coated with bear grease some of which He wiped away and sucked off His finger. He wore buckskin richly decorated with beads and embroidery. “Takannaaluk found the greaves of Ares’ Armor and has given them to Dionysus.”

“I was afraid of that.” Glowered Manannan. “I suppose it was too much to hope She would heed my warning.”

“Is it true She threatened to eat you?”

“She did hint I was a tasty looking morsel.” Laughed Manannan. “She’s like the other giants; the Jotnar, Gigantes, Nephelim – all with vast appetites and all very old. She remembers how it was before humans. If She thinks Dionysus will bring any of that back with His new Golden Age, then yes, she’s going to help Him no matter what I tell Her.”

He set down the little wooden carving He had been working on, a child’s toy rocking horse. Coyote eyed it with interest.

“Nice. Is a blessed event in the offing for You and Your Wife?”

“Not that She’s told me. This is for some humans who live down the way and still put out offerings for the Good Folk. They’ve been childless a long time but the husband has been pestering my Wife and Me with prayers so I did an unbinding charm to open up his wife’s womb. She’ll be giving him the good news tonight, I think. I’ll leave this on their doorstep. They’ve done enough good work for the land, they deserve a reward for it.”

“I’ll head down south and visit my cousin Spider. See if He’s heard any interesting rumors.”

“I’ll go tell Athena about this latest news. She won’t be happy.”

“Is She ever happy? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Her crack a smile.”

“Of course She smiles and laughs.” Manannan leaned forward and lowered His voice. “Of course it helps if a certain Someone would refrain from taking rabbit form and leaving droppings in that kibble stuff She gives Her owl.”

“Why does everybody look at Me when stuff like that happens?” Coyote exclaimed, His tone injured. “Let’s face it, when She has a lot of tricksters around, She has to expect that sort of thing. Not that I would do anything like that!”

“Of course not, an honorable fellow like you?” replied Manannan facetiously. “Just remember She knows how to get Her own back.”

“Oh? …. Oh!” Coyote’s eyes widened. “Well, that might explain the porcupine quills in my sleeping mat last night! Man, I was hours picking those things out. Ha! That was a good one! Didn’t know the old girl had it in Her. Well, I’m off!” He shifted back to raven form. “I’ll get a message to you if I hear anything.”

Launching Himself into the air, Coyote streaked towards the south. Once He was gone, Manannan shifted Himself to the Otherworld and entered the quiet park where Athena was busy working over Her loom.

Trickster Coyote

To be continued ….

An Excerpt from The Age Of Dionysus

As mentioned in a posting earlier this summer, I am writing a magical realism novel, The Age Of Dionysus.The first rough draft is largely complete. Now comes the part of revision, adjusting plot lines, developing (or eliminating) characters. As the first draft has gotten rather long, I have started a process of diagramming the various plot threads to ensure continuity; making sure for example that plot development C happens after A and B, not before, making sure characters don’t make an appearance after they have been bumped off, or suddenly pop out of nowhere before they have been properly introduced. Plot inconsistencies can disrupt the narrative for readers, so diagramming is really essential in keeping track of everything.

The premise in the book is that gods and other supernatural beings are real. One god in particular, Dionysus drives the plot. He is convinced that theAge Of Iron is coming to a close and a new Golden Age is about to dawn. With that in mind, He intends to put Himself in a position where He will be the top divinity. However as often happens, the best laid plans of gods and men don’t always work out as intended. The novel details the effects His actions have on people and the world at large.

Below is an excerpt from early in the book which takes place in Manhattan. The character Jillian West is a young fashion model. Charles Belliers is a talent scout for the agency employing her. Belliers is also a sexual predator, who routinely harasses the models in the agency, secure in the knowledge that he won’t get fired because of ‘people he knows’. Belliers attempts to sexually assault Jillian but she is rescued when Dionysus (posing as a mortal) unexpectedly shows up. The excerpt picks up where Dionysus and Jillian leave.

Note: The wine Charles finds is Maenad wine. In the novel, there are three levels of this wine which are all highly intoxicating as they are laced with narcotics. Level Three is the heavy duty stuff. Only highly trained Maenads are supposed to touch this stuff. If you are not an initiate and drink this…well….

Note: All characters are strictly fictional and not based on real people. In other words if you think Charles is based on you, please get psychiatric help. If you think you are Dionysus, definitely get help!

Note: Text is rated ‘R’ for nudity and potty language.

“I’ll get you a cab.” Said Dionysus as He and Jillian went back downstairs. “Do you think you’ll be all right?”

“Only if that pig doesn’t come after me. I don’t know how you knew I was in trouble but thank you! Thank you!”

“Charles will be having other problems before too long. He’s his own worst enemy in the end. But I can promise you, you won’t need to worry about him coming after you.”

“I hope you’re right. That was no idle threat he made, you know. I don’t know if I could file charges against him. It’s my word against his. I’d have to fight the whole way and even then the case would probably get dismissed.” She wiped angry tears from her face. “ Guys like him always seem to get away with stuff and nobody does anything about it.”

Now outside, Dionysus flagged down a cab, paid the driver for her, then handed a small business card to her.

“That’s my phone number. If you have any problems, and somehow I don’t think you will, just call me.”

“Thank you.” She looked hesitantly up at him. “Will I be seeing you again tomorrow?”

The smile on Dionysus’s face was glorious, washing away all the terror she had felt earlier.

“I can guarantee it.”


Upstairs,Charles fumed as he zipped up his pants. This evening was a bust for sure. Would that bitch file charges? Sometime they did, sometime they didn’t. And how did that Greek prick get in here anyway? He was sure he had locked the door from the inside. Maybe he hadn’t fully latched it somehow. Looking at his hands he realized they were shaking not with rage but with terror. Dionysus had held him up like he was a kitten and hadn’t even broken into a sweat. How strong was that guy anyway?

More as a way to distract himself than out of a sense of tidiness, he began picking up the clothes rack. As he did so, he noticed a bottle of uncorked wine with a gleaming wine glass beside it sitting on the table where Jillian had stuck her drink. Where did that come from? He hadn’t noticed Dionysus carrying anything. Had he put it there? Charles could smell the wine tantalizing his nose. Going over, he poured half a glassful and looked at it.

The strangely alluring wine was dark garnet. He sniffed at it. It smelled like wine and yet it didn’t. Against his better judgment he took a swallow. And almost immediately regretted it. He coughed and spluttered. What the hell was this shit? He looked at the label. The lettering was in Greek and the picture on the label showed a mosaic image of a naked guy riding a lion or something. Some local artisan brew maybe? He licked his lips and after a moment took another sip.

To his amazement, the second swallow was better. It still tasted like something burped out of the Okefenokee Swamp but it really wasn’t that bad. A fine patina of sweat began forming on his skin. He drank the rest of the glass trying to analyze the flavor. He fancied himself a wine connoisseur but this tasted like nothing he had ever drunk before. After a moment, he poured a second glass all the way to the top. By the time he finished it, he had forgotten about Dionysus. The third glass made him forget about Jillian. After the fourth, he tossed the wineglass and began drinking directly from the bottle.

By the time he polished off the last drop, a blinding insight came to him. What the hell were clothes for? All this high fashion stuff was pure shit. Why was he even wasting a moment of his time with this? After chucking the empty bottle into a waste basket,he began peeling off his clothes and was amazed at how much better he felt totally naked. He should have done this a long time ago! He started walking toward the door but the floor seemed to have acquired an annoying tilt. Staggering he grabbed at a mannequin but its arm came off and he nearly fell. Righting himself he stared at the mannequin’s arm for a moment. On impulse he used it to scratch first his back then his groin. He began giggling like a village idiot. This was fun! He was going to take it home with him.

Something about the locked door bothered him but he couldn’t remember what it was. But he finally got it open and padded out into the hall. Getting off the studio carpeting and onto the linoleum in the hall chilled his feet but he made up his mind not to whine about it. Isn’t that what you got calluses for? It was probably a nice evening and his apartment in New Jersey wasn’t that far so he decided to walk home.

Nathan Jackson sat in the security office reading a girlie magazine. He had seen Dionysus and Jillian leave on the security cameras. The sight made him sigh. There he goes again, this time with a hot redhead. All the girls were buzzing about this guy and it wasn’t hard to understand why. Some people had all the luck, he thought with gloomy envy, this Greek guy was a major chick magnet and he couldn’t even get the waitress at the restaurant to look twice at him. He buried his face deeper into the magazine. Two of the security cameras were out again, he’d have to do something about that. Engrossed in the centerfold he failed to notice the functional camera showing the talent agent strolling down the stairs. But the security office door was open so Nathan spotted Charles’ s naked ass out of the corner of his eye just as Belliers exited the building.

“Shit!” swore Nathan tossing down the magazine and sprinting out the door after him.

“Sir! Sir!” He caught up with Belliers starting to make a right turn. Charles had a mannequin’s arm propped on his shoulder. “It’s kind of chilly out here. Don’t you think you better put a coat on?”

“What the hell for?” Belliers glared at him affronted. The wine fumes he exhaled made Nathan’s eyes water. “It’s a nice night. I’m walking home.”

The temperature read 55 degrees Fahrenheit the last time Nathan looked at the thermometer. This guy was definitely not feeling anything. The weird thing was, he seemed to be sweating a lot.

“I really think you should put something on, sir.” He took hold of Belliers’ arm, trying to steer him back into the building. “You left your coat in the cloak room. At least put that on.” There was a glazed mad look in Belliers’ eyes that reminded Nathan of a YouTube video he had seen showing a rabid raccoon.

Belliers ignored him. Instead he began staring in fascination at the marquee canopy shielding the entrance. He shook off Nathan’s hand.

“Hey! Look at the fucking trampoline!” He screeched like a kid. Before Nathan could stop him, he tossed the mannequin’s arm into Nathan’s face and began clambering up the side of the building, grasping the concrete facade indentations with his fingers and toes like a squirrel. Throwing aside the arm, Nathan lunged at him but although Belliers was in his fifties and overweight, he was shockingly nimble, evading the security guard’s attempts to grab his ankles.

It was at this critical juncture that the squad car containing Officers Joseph Burrows and Jacob Armstrong came cruising by. It was rookie Jacob’s first evening on the job. His field training officer Joseph had driven him around showing him the basics. They ticketed a few speeders but otherwise it had been quiet so Joseph spent most of the time telling Jacob his personal war stories. It was nearing the end of their shift.

“I think tomorrow I’ll let you do the driving. Do you have any questions?”

“Um, yeah.” Said Jacob looking out the car window at the fashion agency they were driving by. “Why is that naked guy climbing up the building?”

“Aw shit.” groaned Joseph. “Ok, here’s where it gets interesting.” He pulled the squad car over to the curb. “Make sure your gun is tucked out of sight. He’s probably drunk or high. The last thing we want is for him to get hold of a gun, especially if he’s combative.”

“Right.” After putting in a call to the dispatcher, they exited the car and approached cautiously. By now Charles was balanced precariously on the edge of the door canopy gauging how far to jump. The guy trying to coax him down was building security. He noted Joseph and Jacob nearing with obvious relief.

“He’s blotto and I can’t get him to come down. I’m calling 911, if that’s ok.”

“Fine.” said Officer Joseph, not taking his eyes off the nude guy who looked like he was getting ready to jump onto the canopy. “Hey, friend, you may not want to do that. I don’t think it’ll hold you.”

Belliers was in too exalted a state to pay any attention to the annoying people shouting at him from the sidewalk. The canopy seemed to ripple an invitation to jump on it. With a joyous shriek he launched himself and landed spreadeagled on the canvas. While it didn’t rip, it abruptly folded around him and the entire canopy frame collapsed. The two officers used the opportunity to jump on him and hold him down.

It turned out to be more difficult than they thought. Belliers fought like a demon to extricate himself from the canopy, swearing a blue streak the whole time. Jacob and Joseph tried to use the canvas to hold the drunken man in place but Charles had little trouble ripping through the material. With regret, Joseph pulled out his taser and tried subduing him. Belliers jerked a little from the zaps but otherwise seemed unaffected. He didn’t even grunt but his flailing grew wilder.

By now two foot patrol cops had shown up and added their muscle to the struggle. The security guard joined in. Jacob’s jaw took a painful clip from the drunk’s fist. There were five guys holding onto him but Belliers still kept trying to get up. The wine fumes added a rank smell to the air but the rookie began suspecting the subject was intoxicated on more than just booze. The swearing was giving way to an incoherent babbling that sounded like the glossolalia Jacob used to hear as a kid at the evangelical meetings his parents attended.

“Shit! Watch it!” yelled one of the cops. “He’s pissing a bucket!”

A stream of urine soared into the air, spraying back and forth like a lawn sprinkler as Belliers continued struggling.

The ambulance finally pulled up. Fortunately whatever alcoholic dynamo was powering Charles began winding down and they were able to finally load him onto the stretcher where the EMT’s firmly strapped him in place. As the ambulance drove off, Jacob and Joseph looked mournfully down at their urine soaked uniforms.

“He hosed us pretty good, didn’t he?” Said Jacob.

“That he did, little buddy.” replied Joseph shaking his head. “Good thing our shift is just about over.”

“I wish ours was.” said one of the street cops. Their uniforms were wet as well.

On the way back to headquarters, they had to lower the windows to air out as much of the remarkably pungent urine smell as they could.

“Well, that was interesting.” remarked Jacob laconically putting on some nitrile gloves they had in the car.

“That it was.” Replied Joseph, who then laughed. “Never a dull moment in the Big Apple, kid! Never a dull moment.”

Mosaic of god Dionysus

The Heroes

When writing, the portrayal of various characters can be a challenge. Whether they are villainous or heroic, you want them to be three dimensional. Even the best plot in the world can fall flat if the characters are insipid and two-dimensional. Heroes and villains must have believable motivations and personalities which clearly distinguish them from each other. I have found the hero or heroes of the stories to be the most problematic.

Superheroes are popular these days. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, the Avengers, Ant-Man, et al populate the movie screens these days and before that comic books. The appeal of these characters is not hard to understand. They’re easy to write, for one thing. Armed with either super powers or fantastic inventions, they do battle with evil and ensure justice is done.

Superman lifting a car

Comic book superheroes are a product of modern society but they’re really nothing new. Larger than life heroes have been a fixture in many cultures for thousands of years. Like present day superheroes, they were either gifted with extraordinary powers or armed with magic weapons.

Heracles (or Hercules as the Romans called him) was an early version of Superman. A son of Zeus sired with a mortal woman, he was gifted with enormous strength and fought with many monsters, defeating them all. So popular was this figure, he crops up in other cultures such as the hero Samson of Israel. In fact both of these characters may be based on the much older figure of Gilgamesh, ruler of Uruk, said to be of mixed divine and mortal ancestry (much as Heracles was).

Gilgamesh King of Uruk

Ancient heroes often battled monsters threatening humanity, or obtained some boon such as fire and an important food crop such as wheat or maize. Sometimes they would manifest as twin heroes such as Castor and Pollux, one mortal, the other semi-divine. Navajo stories speak of Slayer of Monsters and his twin Born for Water, who destroyed monsters who were depopulating the earth. The theme of twin heroes crops up even today in the original Star Wars trilogy, where it is revealed that Luke and Leia are actually twins.

Not all ancient heroes had super powers. Some, like the modern-day Batman, were simply gifted individuals with special weapons; King Arthur with the mystical sword Excalibur, the cap of invisibility given to Perseus when he went to kill Medusa, the staff of Moses used to swallow up the magic staffs of the Egyptian priests and part the Red Sea.

Parting of the Red Sea

Some heroes lived entirely by their wits. Odysseus, during the years he spent trying to return home after the Trojan war, relied on trickery to overwhelm the Cyclops attempting to devour him and his crew, and had his men block their ears with wax to keep them from hearing the alluring songs of the Sirens.

Odysseus and the Sirens

One thing many of these heroes have in common is their fallibility. Very few if any of them had it easy. Gilgamesh fell into a deep depression after the death of his friend Enkidu. Fearful of death himself, he went in search of the secret of eternal life only to have it slip through his fingers. Heracles was subject to occasional fits of madness actually killing some of his own children during one episode, while Odysseus’s arrogance often got him into as much trouble as it got him out. King Arthur sowed the seeds of his own destruction when he inadvertently begot Mordred on his own half sister, Morgan-le-fay. Perseus accidentally killed his own grandfather when throwing a discus at some funeral games.

It’s important to keep the above in mind when writing fictional heroes. Modern-day hero making writers sometimes forget to give their characters feet of clay, instead making them flawless, invincible and beloved by anyone who meets them. There is a term for these types of characters; a Mary Sue. Mary Sues tend to be female but can be male as well. Male and female Mary Sues are interpreted as a sign of amateurish writing although if you’ve watched recent movies and tv series, you’ve probably seen more than your share of Mary Sues. Of course ancient composers of legends and myths created their own share of Mary Sue types.

The temptation to make your hero so perfect they can triumph against anything is a strong one. But the heroes we remember best are the ones less than perfect, whose struggles against their own flaws mirror our own. So make your heroes bad tempered, overweight because they like sweets too much, awkward, depressed, traumatized, whatever it takes to make them live and breathe on the pages you write.

Greek Play Masks

Scenes of October

The month is winding down in a whirl of autumn leaves and chilly breezes hinting that winter is not far off.

Gold and red autumn leaves over house

Foliage was especially bright this year thanks to regular rainfall after the semi-dry conditions of the past few years. The only drawback to it all is having to rake the leaves up afterwards. Some people toss their leaves after bagging them up as if it was all some sort of rubbish. But doing that robs the soil of critical nutrients which would have been recycled and reused by the trees if left to break down naturally. My method of disposal involves my composter. Once that is full, there is a chicken wire leaf bin. Since that is mostly full anyway, that fills up rapidly and the remainder I dump in the small patch of woods in back of the house.

As all this starts to break down, fungi of all sorts get to work. If it wasn’t for these hidden allies, leaves, and deadwood would remain on the surface of the ground, their nutrients inaccessible, the material becoming a potential fire hazard. So a near invisible clean up crew of earthworms, millipedes, mites, insect larvae and other micro-critters start chowing down on all this material.

As they chew up, digest and process the leaves, an enormous tribe of fungi begin the next step of reducing it even further. The vast majority of fungal forms live unnoticed in the soil under our feet sending microscopic filaments through all the leaf waste. But every so often they send up a fruiting body called a mushroom or toadstool. These can come in all forms and sizes from mini-mushrooms,

Tiny mushroom next to lettuce leaf.

to dinner-plate sized.

mushroom wide as open hand.

By the time they are done, the result is fragrant humus, ready for the next generation of plants.

By the end of October, wildflowers have largely gone by with the occasional exception of a late blooming dandelion or tardy fall wild aster. At this time of year, it is the seed heads of these flowers which are the main feature. They are often food for migrating birds and small rodents such as chipmunks, voles and mice. The seed heads themselves can often be as striking as the flowers. The picture below is of a patch of goldenrod gone to seed. The seedheads look more like flowers than the flowers do!

goldenrod seed heads

Last but not least it wouldn’t be October without that classic fixture of every end-of-month decoration.

pile of pumpkins

Happy Halloween everyone!