Know Your Herbs: Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne's Lace flowers

A tall delicate looking flower has made its appearance in recent years here in northern New Hampshire. Known as Queen Anne’s Lace, it is a non-native biennial plant said to be a progenitor of the garden carrot. Some states designate it as ‘invasive’ but it’s an attractive enough flower that it can make a nice addition to wildflower bouquets containing other ‘invasives’.

The flowers consist of umbrels of tiny white blossoms with a curious minute purple flower directly in the center which is said to be vestigial. They have no perfume that I can detect (other than a faint musty odor) and the only pollinators I have seen upon it are flies and ants. At first I thought the ants might be herding aphids but close examination of the blossoms showed no sign of aphids. Some garden carrots I planted a second year to see what they would do, produced identical flowers to the Queen Anne’s Lace and had the same visitors.

An alternate name for this plant is Bird’s Nest. When the blossoms go by, they begin curling inwards producing a cup-shaped seed head.

Queen Anne's Lace seed head

The ‘nest’ has small seeds around the edges with burr-like bristles which can catch on animal fur or clothing and so disperse the seeds.

Commercial carrots do exactly the same thing which is why Queen Anne’s Lace is also known as Wild Carrot. If you dig up the root of Queen Anne’s Lace, you will find a long narrow yellowish tap root with a carroty odor. They are edible but no where near as flavorable as the supermarket carrots. Also it is recommended that only first year plants be used as second year roots will be bitter tasting.

This, of course, brings us to the issue of identification. Queen Anne’s Lace has several toxic look-alikes such as Fool’s Parsley and Poison Hemlock. Various field guides will explain the minor differences which will help you distinguish between them. I use the Peterson Field Guide to Wildflowers but there are many others which are useful. Make sure you can safely identify them all before you begin experimenting with wild edibles. Gathering plants should be a fun project, not a one-way trip to the hospital or morgue.

In addition to its edibility, Queen Anne’s Lace has medicinal properties. It can be used as a diuretic for removing excess water from the body. In addition to being an anti inflammatory, it is helpful for the digestion and is thought to have anti-cancer and contraceptive properties. While little or no research has been done to confirm all the possible benefits of Queen Anne’s Lace, its reputation at least as a diuretic and digestive aid, can make it worth your while to add this to your personal pharmaceutical collection. If you have a garden, you can acquire the seeds of this interesting plant to grow yourself.

Have a happy August!

Commercial Carrots grown in garden
Queen Anne’s Lace’s modern day commercial descendant

Return of the robins

Robin with nesting material

Well, here it is, nearly the end of June, and I have been engaged with a persistent nester-wannabe in the form of a robin. In spring of last year, I spent some time discouraging a robin attempting to build its nest on the motor of my garage-door opener. After some blocking tactics, the robin finally gave up and I was safe for the summer.

Well, once again this past May, nest building commenced once again on the door-opener motor (the same one since it’s a two-car garage). Since all robins look alike to me (forgive me for being prejudiced) there was no way to tell if it was the same bird or not. Robins only mate for the summer, then break up once breeding season is over. Interestingly, it is the female only who engages in nest building. I assume the male stands by and tries to give directions and maybe provides nesting material. But I suspect it was the same bird as last year.

I used the same strategy as last year and activity ceased, or so I thought. A few weeks ago, the garage-door motor in that part of the garage began malfunctioning, so I called the garage-door repair service people. A nice young man showed up, who was thorough and seemed to know his stuff. He cleaned out some remaining debris from the motor, checked its connections but could see no issues. The problem turned out to be the button on the wall which I use to open the door. It apparently had a short, so he replaced it and all was well.

It wasn’t until a day later, when I had left the door open for a while during the afternoon, that I discovered nesting activity had resumed with a vengeance.

nesting material

In a startling short space of time, the robin had returned and resumed building, I’m guessing at warp speed, for after chasing it off, I swept the above large ball of grass off the motor. It was already well shaped and ready for the mud addition for the interior. Talk about persistent! I would have thought that the robins would have already been involved with a nest they built somewhere else, but I suspect there was a nesting failure, so they were starting over. And of course there was this ideal spot they already knew of!

So I’m back to keeping the garage doors closed until such time as I think it may be safe. I hope.

Have a happy and safe July!

cartoon of nest building

May Flowers, courtesy of April Showers

Now past Memorial Day, I look back on how spring has been progressing in my neck of the northern New Hampshire woods. As usual, my personal obsession is with the flowers I see appearing. Along with a generous amount of dandelions, strawberry flowers, Canadian mayflowers and both violet and white violas have burst out of the front lawn. The back lawn has a glorious cluster of forget-me-nots, mostly blue but with a few white and pink ones sprinkled in. It gives me a good excuse for holding off on mowing the lawn.

Wildflowers appear in the patches of woods in my neighborhood.

Wood Anemones, wild flowers

I spotted this lovely patch of wood anemones just a short ways up the road from where I live.

Star flowers, Canadian Mayflowers, bunch berry and a solitary pink lady slipper have bloomed in the wood behind my home. The single flower of the lady slipper was a pleasant surprise as the plant had not put any blossoms for at least three years, something I attributed to the prolonged dry spell we had been having in northern New England. But the generous rains of last year must have given it a boost.

wildflower, Trout Lily

While technically a wild flower, I managed to convince a few trout lilies to grow alongside the foundation. Their yellow flowers, bowing their heads towards the ground, put on a quiet but pretty display along with large lavish green leaves.

Flowering bushes decorate many lawns around the neighborhood. Along with the forsythia and azaleas, there are flowering crab trees which seem to be putting on an extra lush display this spring.

flowering crabapples

But of course my all time favorite is the fragrant purple lilac bushes. Their wonderful odor conveys the essence of springtime as nothing else does for me.

purple lilacs

This bush is popular enough so that the nearby town of Lisbon, New Hampshire has a Lilac Festival every Memorial Day weekend, rain or shine.

Now on to June! Happy springtime to all.

April Showers

Been under the weather the past week or so. Don’t have too much to write about but I do have some pictures.

Spring Jonquils

Bright yellow jonquils are making a nice showing this spring. Rains have been adequate and the flowers obviously approve.

day lilies growing near foundation of house

By the south facing foundation are growing my mother’s daylilies. I have no idea what variety they are but they are an attractive orange when in full bloom. The warmth of the house foundation often starts them early, poking up through the mulch as early as February though they wait until it gets really warm before they really get going.

day lilies growing out onto lawn.

The patch of day lilies in the center of the above photo are actually growing out onto the lawn and will need to be dug up. The trick is to find a spot on the front bank where I can place them, as I have already done this several times with previous ‘escapes’.

It’s raining again today with thundershowers. Here’s hoping April showers bring more May flowers.

Happy May!

Spring Equinox Tidbits

Well, last month the main topic was the abnormally warm weather we’ve had this past winter. That continued to be the case right through March up to and a bit past the Spring Equinox. Then this past Saturday, winter decided to take one last whack at us. Beginning early in the morning, a fine snow began falling at a great clip, rapidly accumulating. Weather forecasters had already put out the winter storm warning so I was stocked up grocery-wise in case I was snowed in. There had been a snow-fall several days before of about four inches.

By the time the snow had tapered off Sunday morning, there was sixteen inches of fresh snow on the ground on top of what we already had. Some places got as much as two feet. In all, I think we got more snow the first week of spring than fell all winter. Global wierding indeed.

Robins must listen to the weather forecast as they showed up in the front yard, the day before the storm, filling themselves up on berries from my two hawthorn trees, dislodging some cedar waxwings which had begun to feed.

Robin in winter plumage

The robins still had their winter plumage, which consists a large white patch at the base of their tails, spreading up to their abdomens, giving them the look of wearing their long undies. Being larger than the waxwings, they dominated the trees, though a few pine siskins and a house finch managed to sneak in a few bites.

Several weeks prior to this, I saw several small flocks of geese migrating overhead on their way back north. Thanks to the mild winter, there is open water for them to land on when they stop to rest. Lake Winnipesauki had ice-out declared on March 17, beating the old record of March 18 set back in 2016. Never mind what the calendar says, spring seems to be coming earlier every year. To add to the wierdness, Easter falls on the last day of the month with April Fools Day coming the very next day.

Now the weather has warmed above freezing again, melting away the snow. It should be mostly gone by Easter, just over a week after it dumped on us. A solar eclipse will be happening on April 8, but given how mercurial the weather is here, it may be cloudy when it happens. What next?

Giant rampaging kaiju rabbit

Well, here’s to hoping April won’t be too crazy. Have a happy Easter.