Been under the weather the past week or so. Don’t have too much to write about but I do have some pictures.

Bright yellow jonquils are making a nice showing this spring. Rains have been adequate and the flowers obviously approve.

By the south facing foundation are growing my mother’s daylilies. I have no idea what variety they are but they are an attractive orange when in full bloom. The warmth of the house foundation often starts them early, poking up through the mulch as early as February though they wait until it gets really warm before they really get going.

The patch of day lilies in the center of the above photo are actually growing out onto the lawn and will need to be dug up. The trick is to find a spot on the front bank where I can place them, as I have already done this several times with previous ‘escapes’.
It’s raining again today with thundershowers. Here’s hoping April showers bring more May flowers.
Happy May!